Demo Pizza
127E 23rd Street
New York, NY, US, 10010

Restaurant Hours

Sunday thru Saturday 12:00AM - 12:00AM

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Meatball Parmigiana - Hot Sandwich

Meatball Parmigiana - Hot Sandwich

Made with USDA choice lean ground beef, herbs and spices, combined with marinara then baked with mozzarella.

Pastrami Corned Beef Combo

Pastrami Corned Beef Combo

Rumanian pastrami and "fresh from the pot" corned beef with swiss cheese, russian dressing and cole slaw served on light rye.


Test Pizza 16"

Test pizza 16" also available in 12", 14"


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Subtotal $0.00
Convenience Fee $2.00
Tax $0.10
Delivery Charge $1.50
Total Amount $0.00
Delivery Minimum $10.00

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Order Ready Time ~ 40 minute(s)

Estimated Delivery Time ~ 1 hour(s), 6 minute(s)

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    Zone 1 Description